Monday, November 12, 2018

Thankful for warm, cozy clothes

It's colder than it was at this time last year.

The chill stiffens my muscles and creeps into my bones.  Walking the puppy is not the joy it was a few weeks ago.  Snowflakes dangle in the air, then alight on the shrubbery, where they stay, thin but determined, a powdered-sugar dusting of white coldness.  They are not melting.

So, I am thankful for warm clothes!  I especially like big, soft, bulky sweaters, broken in and oozing with comfort.  The one I'm wearing today is particularly soft, and has a zipper.  Shawn gave it to me for Christmas one year, and it was a size or two too big, which was disappointing to him, but not to me!

I'm thankful for warm, cozy clothes.

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