Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thankful for these outrageous gloves

I used to lose gloves all the time.  A small black glove slips unnoticed to the low, dark corners of life.  Also, I have wondered if people tend to take nice, understated black leather gloves, like ballpoint pens, useful pieces of property that are often laid down thoughtlessly, and everybody's look the same.  Maybe people don't even pilfer them on purpose.  "Are these mine?" they wonder, as they tuck them into a pocket.

When I lost my favorite dark brown leather, silk-lined gloves that I bought in Paris in 1996, I was really sad.  I decided that something had to be done.

Since it seemed that I kept losing my gloves because of their subtle appearance, I decided to buy a pair that would be hard to miss, visually.  I bought a pair of pink and fuchsia striped, thinsulate-lined humdingers.  They don't match anything.

For over seven years, I have not lost these gloves.  Sometimes, I may be tempted to wish I would.  It is almost (almost?) embarrassing to wear them.  However, they are always there, always easy to find.  And nobody is tempted to steal them.

Yesterday as I suited up to walk Duffy in the bitter cold, I grabbed them out of the mudroom, and I was thankful.

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