Friday, November 9, 2018

Thankful for a Very Big Deal

Once I had a friend who told me her mother measured circumstances by this litmus: "Is it a life?"  If the answer was no, her mother would declare, "It isn't a life."  And that was that.  No big deal.

In the scheme of things, there are big deals and not-so-big deals.  We are often tempted to measure the magnitude of something by its dollar value.  For instance, it seems like a bigger deal if you get sick and have to miss a vacation in the Caribbean, than if you get sick and miss having coffee with a friend.  Likewise, it seems like a bigger deal if you win a new car, than if you win a free Coke.

When our heads are screwed on properly, we understand that money is not the biggest deal.  Life trumps money, and the biggest deals of all involve life and death.  Life is priceless.

This is why today's thankful post is a Very Big Deal.

I am thankful that we have a little grandbaby who is expected be born right around Christmastime this year.

My mind is boggled at the thought of this new life, who even now pokes funny shapes in his mama's stretched belly, and visibly cavorts in all the space available, ever striving to push for more.

Amazingly, through the wonders of modern technology, we have already seen this baby's tiny face, and it looks remarkably like his mama's tiny face, when she was newly born.

Grandbaby's face

Grandbaby's mama's face
as a newborn

God is the Giver of Life.  I am thankful for this new life, and joy, and hope for the future, and precious memories of the past.  I am thankful for the linked chain of family and love.

I am thankful.

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

How exciting. Congratulations.