Monday, November 29, 2021


What a blessing

that God gives us so much grace.

I am thankful that God gives us more grace than we give one another.

God always forgives.  

His arms are always open to us when we come to Him with our regrets.

People may criticize us, judge us, and condemn us,

but God desires only to heal and restore us.  

God always looks at us with an eye to what we are becoming, under the healing power of His love.  He is outside of time, so He sees what we will be, in eternity, in all our perfection and glory, the completed remedy of the sacrifice of Christ who poured out His life so we could live.

All the time God is working with us, forming and shaping us according to His design and plan, He knows the beauty of the impending outcome.  It is His outcome.  It is good.  He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not to harm.  He is full of steadfast love and faithfulness.  He is for us.  He will not leave us, nor will He forsake us.  He will take every bad thing that touches one of His children, and use it for a good purpose, to bring about a good result.

It will be okay.  It is all going to be okay.

In eternity, I will be perfect.  I will never sin, or make a mistake, or act in a selfish, unloving way.  And neither will you.  And neither will anybody else who enters the Kingdom of God.  There will be absolutely no risk that any of us will hurt one another or be hurt by one another, 

because we will be made perfect 

in love, 

for love.  

From every cell of our beings, we will only desire what is good for ourselves and for one another.  We will be enthralled with the glory of one another's perfection--never jealous--because we will see how God has planned and fit everything into a stunning design of cooperative, productive, fulfilling, all-surpassing benefit for all.

In the miracle of God's Kingdom, nobody's good will ever come at the expense of someone else's good.  Rather, all our good will cumulatively compound together to make more goodness for everyone.  The joy will crescendo into infinity.

This is my hope, my reward, my promise from God,
and the reason my heart can be grateful.