Monday, September 17, 2018

Glorious hope

Shawn and I went for a walk in the park at mid-day today.  Even though it is past mid-September, the temperature is in the nineties.  Well, technically it was 88 out there, but it sure felt like the nineties.

On account of the heat, we picked the shady path.  (On account of my lupus, we almost always pick the shady path.)  Today, at high sun, the shade was thinner than usual.  Brightly filtered light made for a beautiful walk.

The monarchs must be migrating, because they were everywhere, dozens of them, fluttering around us fearlessly.  They flickered with flashes of fiery orange as they opened and closed their wings and glided through the dappled light as it fell through the foliage above.  Shawn said he felt as though he were in a Disney movie, and half expected a voice to break out singing, "Zippety-do-da, zippety-ay, my-oh-my what a wonderful day!"

God has been doing things like this for me lately.

Last night's sunset was spectacular, a long row of horizontal white clouds stretched above the western tree-line, golden sunlight gilding their edges and streaming gloriously from behind them.  It was the very picture of what I imagine when I hear the word GLORY.  I sat in the car, slumped with sadness, but I knew God was decorating the expanse for me, showing me that He loves me.  Not only me, of course, but He made sure I noticed, because He knew I needed to see.

Even the sky during the day was amazing yesterday, the loveliest powder blue, filled with perfect, fluffy clouds, layered like soft white peonies.  You just can't look up at a sky like that and not realize that there is a God.

It's been rough lately.  Losses, disappointments, rejections.  Troubles.  "In this world, you will have trouble," Jesus said, and of course He was absolutely right.  He also spoke rightly and truly when He followed that statement with the encouragement: "But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Jesus has overcome the world.  Jesus triumphed over sin and death at the cross.  Jesus has risen, ascended to heaven, and poured out His Holy Spirit on all who believe.

This is why, in the midst of a difficult conversation, I could involuntarily glance down at a notebook I'd been using for Bible study, and suddenly see these words written out in my own handwriting:  "We trust through the paradox.  We trust that all will be well in the end, because of the perfect power of God."

This is why, when driving away from a situation that could easily have left me panicked and teary with despair, the CD in my van began to play a song that told me, "Let not your heart be troubled... Do not be afraid... Let not your heart be troubled... Just believe in Me."

Skies full of glory.

Bevies of butterflies.

Comforting words of scripture.

The perfect power of our faithful God.

I didn't have my camera (or my phone) on our walk, 
so when I got home, I went out to look for monarchs 
in our yard.  There weren't any monarchs here, 
but there were lots of these.

This is one of my favorite pictures.
Surrounded by flowers, butterflies and puppies,
I have so many reasons for gratitude.

God is always worthy of praise.

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