Friday, September 28, 2018


Here are two paradoxes that amaze me.

(1) The God of the Universe, the Creator and Source of all things, the one who is perfect and almighty and has dominion over all powers, this eternal God became a mortal man and died for our sin.

(2) It is in admitting our sin and asking for grace that we are declared innocent and justified before our Holy God.

Also-- this is not a paradox, but it is amazing nonetheless:

God loves us.
God loves me.

Raised singing "Jesus Loves Me," since before I knew anything about either Jesus or love, I tend to take this truth for granted.

God loves me.

On the one hand, I think, "Yes, of course."

On the other hand, I think, "But how can He?  How can He be pleased with a loser like me?"

And yet, He is.

Today I am particularly thankful for His patience.  I am thankful that when I fail, He doesn't send me away in irritation.  God will never turn away the humble--not that I am humble, but He works to develop humility in me, too, which is painful but good.  As long as we come to Him trembling, admitting our need, our lack, our weakness, He will lovingly and kindly pour out grace.

His grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in weakness.

His power is made perfect in my weakness.  This, too, is an amazing paradox.

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