Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A September Prayer

How odd, that September is nearly over.  How does it happen?

My days have also been odd, a perplexing mixture of joy and sadness.  I lost a beloved dog and gained a darling puppy.  I'm expecting my first grandchild.  I've been blessed to have a Bible study to teach.  At the same time, there are broken relationships, lost jobs, medical bills, rejection, unforgiveness and heartache.

My flower beds are a royal mess.  Kind of like my life... in fact, a lot like my life.  Because amidst the mess is beauty.  Pockets of wonder and secret treasures abound, if I get my perspective right, when I view things from an advantageous angle.

God is always near.

O Lord, please open my eyes to see more of You.  
I know You are here.  I know You love us.  
O Lord, let me know Your love deeply 
in my heart, and not only in my mind.  
O Lord, please hold my faith together 
and keep me hoping, believing, 
expecting good things from You, 
because You are faithful, almighty and good. 

These black-eyed Susans are past their prime, 
but unfortunately, I did not photograph them in their prime.  
Still, something about their autumn fading touches my heart.

This must be a special grace from God.
When I have I ever had fresh daylilies in September?

And a praying mantis, too.


Hope T. said...

The yellow-themed flowers are so sunny. What a lovely end-of-summer gift. This line - "pockets of wonder and secret treasures abound" - fits so perfectly with the pictures. Thank you for the reminder.

Priscilla said...

I haven’t been here in a long time. I’ve just read several of your posts all at once. I’m sorry about the loss of Schubert. I’m glad you have Duffy now to occupy you. He looks darling. Congratulations on the grandchild coming. I’m sorry that you are sad lately. I understand loss and pain. Life is hard. No way around that one. Your faith is inspiring. Thank you.