Thursday, July 24, 2014

Some pictures that make me happy

I was going to write over on "To Sleep..." today, about how well I am doing as a person with lupus.


I didn't quite feel good enough.

I'm chuckling over that, don't worry.  I really am doing quite well.  I've been so thankful each day, for the sun, the flowers, the birdsong and the cornfields.  And everything...  the hope of heaven, and Jesus who loves me all the time.

Here are some pictures that make me happy.  I hope you enjoy them too.

a zinnia

a different zinnia

my front door
I love walking up to my front door these days, 
even though the flowers crowd the path
and could be a tripping hazard.
I feel a little bit naughty 
to be so delighted by this wild
riot of color and leaves.

These giant dahlias are ridiculous.
The dark purple morning glories are vining all over them.

How amazing is it to have honeysuckle?
Yes, I've tasted some.  It's good!

Yesterday I was walking the dogs.  
A neighbor called to me from her driveway,
"You aren't looking for a plant stand are you?
I'm trying to get rid of this."
As a matter of fact, I have been looking for a plant stand.
Thanks! (I might paint it brown...)

In front of the porch, I planted two canna lilies.
One is blooming.
It is red.
Shawn insists on calling it a "bird of paradise."

a close up
(canna lily, aka bird of paradise)

some flowers I picked and brought into the kitchen

a favorite picture from the wedding
(thanks for taking it, Ann!)

another favorite picture from the wedding:
Shannon in the dress I made her
holding hands with flower-girl Kristi
listening to Shawn give a speech.
 and a dahlia from behind
because I cannot get over these dahlias

~The end~

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