Sunday, July 28, 2019

The newest thing

This rose is the newest thing in my yard, as of right now.

My nice new next-door neighbor told us we could have it, because she found it growing under a big old hosta in her front yard, and roses do better when they are not beneath hostas.

So Shawn dug it up, and I soaked its roots in a bucket for awhile, because after our monsoons from April through June, the rain stopped and the earth dried to a fairly uniform, crispy, pale yellow.  We (Shawn) dug a nice big hole, and we planted this rose with plenty of bone meal and water.  Shawn does all the work, but somehow, at the end, mine are the hands caked with mud.

I'll leave the fading, fragrant blossom alone tonight, and deadhead it tomorrow.

Another new thing, or, as they say, in other news, we are moving to North Carolina.  Yes, this will be a new thing.

True to form, when I ought to be painting, purging and packing, I am planting roses.

And blogging.

May the Lord have mercy.  May the Lord send me help.


Carolyn Eden said...

Oh Ruth, your move still makes me so sad. We haven't know each other long but in many ways we are kindred spirits in our love of the word and the Lord. You will be missed!

Ruthie said...

Moving is one of the most difficult things that happens in life. Uprooting at my age is super intimidating. I guess it gives me a head start on "Swedish Death Cleaning." I'm so thankful for my sweet friendships in Illinois, and I know we will remain in contact.