Saturday, January 5, 2019


All day, I've been thinking it was January 6 today, and feeling guilty.

I felt guilty because I usually try to take down my Christmas decorations on the weekend after Epiphany, which is January 6.

But, grace upon grace, it is not January 6 today.  It is only January 5.  And tomorrow is Sunday, which is not an appropriate day to schedule major home projects.

So we can enjoy our Christmas decorations for one more week!  And by then the days will be longer, because we are past the winter solstice.  In fact, even today, as I sit here typing, it is nearly 5 p.m. and the sunset is still flooding golden light into my study window.  By the time we take down the tree next week, I will hardly even miss the tree lights!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

I could hang a few Christmas lights over your computer monitor!