Friday, October 11, 2013

Remembering cute...

My daughter sent me a link to the funniest pictures of babies with fat cheeks.  You can view it here.

Looking at the photos reminded me...

Back in the day, when Davy was a little three-year-old, one morning I was in my bathroom preparing for the day.  While I was thus occupied, Davy sat in front of my long, oval mirror in the bedroom, his attention sustained as only his attention can be sustained, turning first one way and then another.

I had no idea what he was doing, but being me, I guess I assumed he was making faces at himself.  Nope.  This was David.  David doesn't make faces (that's the rest of us).  David analyzes.  And at the tender age of three, he was analyzing his appearance.

When I emerged from my ablutions, Davy turned from the mirror and looked me in the eye.  "I'm cute," he explained, "because I have chubby cheeks."

That's the little Mister himself, on the left, chubby cheeks and all.


Hope T. said...

Adorable kids! There is nothing I like so much as baby cheeks. My oldest son had fat cheeks. In fact he had fat everything and three chins. He was over the hundredth percentile for his weight when he was an infant. He slimmed down as soon as he could start pulling himself around. Now he is a handsome young man, off making his way in the world, and I miss those chubby cheeks. I know you know the feeling.

Looking at the back posts you linked to, somehow I just realized that you have been blogging for almost six years! What a wonderful record that is for you and your family.

Laura Murphy said...

The reason they thought you were the nanny is because you LOOKED SO YOUNG!

Is David okay with these cute stories? Wow the tales I could tell, if my boys let me.....

ruth said...

I think my kids know that I will be writing about them now and then, since this is supposed to be a collection of memoirs for them to have in the future. I do try to be careful not to write things that would be humiliating. But I didn't think this was a humiliating story.

As Hope pointed out, I have been blogging for over 6 years... over 6 years, and I have a following of approximately 3 readers, 2 of whom are in my immediate family. So I don't really fear that I am making things too "public." Ha! I guess if anything, blogging has demotivated me from writing "for real." Apparently, nobody would buy my work. *rueful grin*