Sunday, September 15, 2013

Apple Crisp... for Shannon

Apple Crisp

The topping:
1 and ½ cups packed brown sugar
1 cup whole wheat flour (white flour is ok, but I prefer whole wheat)
1 cup oats (oatmeal flakes)
1 cup butter
1 cup walnuts
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. clove

Pulverize this all together in a food processor, if you have one.  In the absence of a food processor, soften the butter and chop the walnuts fine before combining the ingredients.  Set aside

The rest:
Peel and slice about 12 apples, give or take, depending on how big they are.
Place them in a buttered 9x13 glass baking dish.  It should be 2/3 full.
Sprinkle 1/3 cup orange juice over the apples.
Sprinkle lightly with nutmeg.
Top with topping (above).
Bake at 350 for an hour or until the top is golden brown and the apples are bubbling deliciously.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

This is still a wonderful recipe. Thank you for posting it! :-)