Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Vernal Equinox

Tra la la la!

Today is the Vernal Equinox. The first day of spring...

Today marks the beginning of MY MOST FAVORITE QUARTER OF THE YEAR!!!

Today is the first day in approximately six months when there will *not* be more dark hours than light hours! They will be exactly EQUAL (hence the term Equinox).

Today there will be TWELVE hours of sunlight followed by twelve hours of darkness...

And best of all, tomorrow there will be a bit MORE THAN TWELVE hours of sunlight followed by a bit less than twelve hours of darkness. And this trend will increase and increase and increase until...


which is...

THE SUMMER SOLSTICE!!! The summer solstice is the longest, brightest day of the year. Perhaps I will have a party and celebrate it with flowers and fountains and fresh fruit.

This year the summer solstice will be June 20th. Once again, that comes before the end of the accursed NYS school year, but what can you do?

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