Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Look at the date...

I thought it was the last day of August today, but it is the first day of September. That's the way I am. I am usually behind, and I often miss things.

Today's list (not necessarily in order):

1. Get Lu's things ready to drop off to Anne and Joe so they can take them to her when they go to Ohio. Fortunately, I bought the things I needed to buy (hangers and an umbrella) yesterday after dropping Jonno at marching band practice. This meant that I did not make tuna noodle casserole, but it was 95 and too hot to run the oven anyway.

2. Actually take Lu's things to Anne's house.

3. Empty the clothes left in Lu's laundry basket into the bin I bought so that Shannon can have her laundry basket since I took over Shannon's for myself while she was in Chicago.

4. Organize the laundry room (OK that is probably way too ambitious, but it does sorely need to be done).

5. Pay some attention to Jon and his school schedule. With the craziness of getting the older three settled in their respective college situations, it can be easy to neglect the issue of Jon going back to school. It is familiar, after all, a familiar place, a grade that three of our children have already navigated, not a lot new. But it is new for him; he's at a new building this year, even. I need to remember him and let him know that he is special, too.

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