Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This picture says a lot about our life in the month of May.

The lilac is leafed out, but the rose-of-sharons are just starting to bud.

Our pool is open (my goal in life is to have blue water outside my window as much as possible), but our neighbor's pool is not.

Our pool ladder has not yet been installed. Obviously, this is because it is too cold to get in the water.

Our neighbor has constructed a row of large wooden planters.

We need to screw down a loose board on our deck.

Laura and DJ are trying to soak up some rays. However, it is so cold that DJ is wearing long jeans and Laura is wearing a down vest.

Laura is studying for an AP exam. She is done with those now!

1 comment:

Ruth MacC said...

I feel like laughing! I was reading some of the comments on Amy's Humble Musings, read yours, liked it and decided to visit your blog, not knowing it was you!

Small world after all!