Saturday, April 4, 2020

God is on the throne of heaven

Last night, Shawn and I were looking for something therapeutic to watch before we went to bed. At stressful times, we gravitate to nature documentaries by the BBC, narrated by David Attenborough (Planet Earth, etc). Unfortunately, I think we have already watched them all.

Perusing similar offerings, we selected a show about the Universe. The first episode was about the sun. About 20 seconds in, watching explosions of sun-matter being flung from the sun's surface out into the solar system, we decided that it was not, in fact, a low-stress option and we switched it off. Yet, as I thought about the terrifying images I had seen, I had to wonder and compare them to what we are experiencing right now, as the corona virus spreads across the face of the earth.

I see many articles these days, postulating whether this is a judgement from God. After watching solar flares that resulted in massive coronal ejections, I could only be thankful for the mercy of God in that, if this is a judgement, it is a corona virus which we have had a gracious lot of time to watch as it unfolds and spreads. It is not a coronal ejection unleashed from the sun upon the earth in a one-time cataclysmic explosion. We have time to think, time to pray, time to look to Jesus. For those who are far from Him, there is time to repent. God is so kind. He gives us so much time. He is not willing that any should perish, but desires that all should have the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness and redemption. Even those who fall sick have time. Many sick people recover, but even those who succumb receive ample time to seek the Lord and receive His gift of eternal salvation. God's eternal kingdom is a place of life, light, health, peace and joy forever and ever.

The sin that brings death to our current physical universe has caused every single entity in it to be subject to deterioration and ultimate destruction. Even stars have lifecycles; even stars die. Nothing lasts forever. Someday, all of this is going to be gone: our sun, our solar system, our galaxy, everything. We don't know when or how, but we know it will end at some point. Every time we watch a falling star, we should remember: the physical Universe is not eternal. Only God is eternal. Amazingly, God loves us and calls us to Himself, to become a part of His eternal Kingdom, to live with a sure hope of eternal glory. Perhaps He knows that our sun is going to explode sooner than we realize, and He is sending the corona virus to wake us up, to remind us that we are not invincible, we desperately need Jesus to carry us into eternity.

Social distancing cannot save us--it's a wise thing to do, but it is not the key to our ultimate salvation. Political leaders cannot save us. Policies and laws cannot save us. The internet cannot save us. Doctors and engineers and scientists cannot save us. Science cannot save us. Only God can save us. I believe that He is merciful and mighty, and I think He will stop this pandemic in His time and for the display of His glory. But He also wants us to heed the warning. We are frail beings in a Universe that is far beyond our knowledge, and even farther beyond our control. The only safety is in aligning ourselves with the gracious, infinite Creator and Savior who made us, loves us, and gave Himself for us. If you don't know Him, please come to Him today. If you do know Him, please join in praying for the salvation of our world.

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