Monday, April 8, 2019

Duffy and the Snow Leopard

Duffy likes to watch television only if the program is about animals.

So, we have been watching Planet Earth on Netflix, and Planet Earth 2.

The second episode of Planet Earth 2 is about animals that live in mountain habitats.  It opened with a lonely snow leopard roaring somewhere in desolate Siberia, and Duffy was riveted.  Throughout the showing, Duffy alternately stood before the TV with front paws reaching for the screen, ran in circles barking, and sometimes--like when the camera zoomed in on a huge grizzly bear, and when the snow leopard returned at the end--he scurried to hide behind our coffee-table-trunk, close to the safety of our familiar legs and feet, diligently peeking out around the corner.

Duffy is the most dominant, stubborn dog we have had.  He's full of chutzpah and creative ideas.  He'd rather walk five miles in the park than lounge on anybody's lap.

But after watching the snow leopard, Duffy was markedly subdued.  He wanted to be held.  He was downright cuddly.

So now, when he is full of beans and peppercorns, we say, "Duffy, do we need to watch the snow leopard show?"  He doesn't know what that means yet, but he might learn.

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