Monday, December 31, 2018

The last day

Today is the last day of 2018, and thus it goes.

In 2018, Shannon got a new job.

David graduated from medical school, matched to a residency program, and moved to Atlanta.  Ashton changed jobs with the move.

Laura earned a master's degree in special ed, bought a house, got a new job and had a baby.  Matthew, as well as being in on the house purchase and parenthood, started his first real, complete (non-residency) job.

Jonathan's apartment building burned down, fortunately while he was not in it (although that also lowered the recovery rate on what he was able to salvage).  He moved a couple of times in the aftermath, and also changed jobs.

Schubert died, and we got a new puppy.

Weird story:  This morning, December 31, 2018, I was driving through pouring rain to a lab for a blood test.  At the four-way-stop at Staley and Windsor, I saw a person, short and squat, dashing from corner to corner under the deluge of water.  This person was wearing dark jeans and a dark hoodie, which were drenched.  On his back, he carried a pink-flowered, little-girl backpack.  For awhile I tried to determine if he were a masculine looking woman, but then he turned his head and I saw a mustache and short beard, dark and pointed, and I figured he must be a man.  He lifted his legs high in front of him when he ran across the street, almost like some jolly sort of dance, kicking forward into the air so as to both move quickly and stay above the splashing puddles.  I believe he was wearing work boots on his feet.  He waved at the cars who waited so he could cross, and he really hoofed it quickly, which warmed my heart towards him.

I waited for him, too, but he didn't look my way, so finally I went, and he choreographed his route such that he departed from his corner just as I turned left across his road, so by the time he reached my lane, he was crossing immediately behind me.  Perfect timing.  I wondered where he was headed.  I wondered if I had ought to have offered him a lift.

Life is so bizarre.

Here we are in this wacky, wet, wild world, welcoming a tiny new baby who has it all ahead of him.

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